Membership Benefits
Engage with our members:
- Decision makers in IT throughout WNY
- Employees of local IT companies as well as IT departments of non-IT companies
- Local students
- Young professionals who are our future business leaders
- Local government and economic development leaders
- Other organizations and professionals we collaborate with
Get involved:
- Networking Events: generating attendance between 30 - 75 professionals for food, drink and quality networking
- Professional Development: seminars, articles and events keep our members up to date on the latest in technology
- Student Outreach: engaging the local student population with ITWNY and our members is a vital initiative to retaining and attracting future tech-sector employees.
The BETAS (Buffalo Emerging Technology Awards Showcase): Since 1999, InfoTech WNY has presented the Annual BETAS. Over 560 attendees last year enjoyed the trade show, awards dinner and after-party. This is "THE" technology event of the year in WNY.
Now, a little bragging on our part... InfoTech WNY is THE trade association of Western New York's information technology industry. Some of InfoTech WNY's achievements, since its formation in 1998, are:
- $10 million in workforce development grants;
- Member benefits including group health benefits and more
- More than 200 members and growing; (2500+ associated companies)
- Enthusiastic response to our events
- Monthly Educational & Socials for networking and discussion
- Annual BETAS (Buffalo Emerging Technology Awards Showcase) Event
- Annual Educational Tech Day Sponsorship
- Buffalo Niagara Professional Alliance Founding Member. Other Alliance members: The Buffalo Niagara Partnership & APICS
- Our website includes a member directory, on-line business marketplace, link to a job bank, the ability to post member press releases and other useful information
- Opportunities to market your products and services to member companies
- Our regular e-newsletter (3000+ downloaded)
- Access to local, state, and federal economic development and government officials.
Student Membership
InfoTech WNY believes in nurturing the future IT workforce in Western New York. As professionals in an industry so focused on continuous learning and collaboration, it is our responsibility to provide opportunities to our up-and-coming future professionals so that when career opportunities because available in our organizations, our local candidate pool is strong and capable.
The more students are involved while they are in school, the better off they will be when they are finished. The only requirement on student membership is that the student be enrolled in classes. Learning from industry professionals gives students a chance to ask questions about future careers/organizations/ education so that they make informed career choices.
InfoTech WNY recognizes both small and large school, college, and university Student Memberships. If your school registers as an InfoTech WNY Student Member, as a student your membership is FREE! Please see the Membership registration page for more information.
Why should I join?
As a student member of InfoTechWNY, you will have the opportunity to:
- Attend educational seminars
- Begin to build your personal network of contacts
- Take advantage of company tours and shadowing opportunities
- Receive industry-specific information in our e-newsletter
- Participate in focused usergroups
- Use the ITWNY membership as a resource for your on-campus student organization
- Do I qualify to be a Student Member?
Be enrolled as a full time college-level student, in any discipline, not necessarily in a technical discipline.
How do I become a Student Member?
There are a few ways you can participate with InfoTechWNY
- Join our e-newsletter list for FREE to learn about ITWNY events, and more. You may have to pay a few bucks to attend our events but you're welcome to participate.
- Encourage your school, college or university to join as a Student Memeber. InfoTech WNY recognizes both small and large school, college, and university Student Memberships. If your school registers as an InfoTech WNY Student Member, as a student your membership is FREE! Please see the Membership registration page for more information.
Join as a Student Member for $25 per year. With your Student Membership you get:
- One event ticket (can not be used for the BETAS)
- Members Discounts to InfoTech WNY Events
- Volunteer at the BETAS for a FREE ticket. For more infromation, email: